Archive for March, 2007

ORGANIC COCONUT FLOUR A Blessing For Gluten Free Cooking

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Ever since being exposed to the work of Bruce Fife, N.D. over a year ago, on the health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil and Coconut Meat, we’ve paid more and more attention to this remarkable food.

Now, with the emergence of Organic Coconut Flour into the market place, a whole new world is opening up for those with gluten intolerance and those wanting to eat healthier or shed those extra pounds.

YES ! Cooking with coconut oil and coconut flour helps to manage your weight too !!

The humble coconut has been much maligned over the years (particularly in Western countries), but finally its true value is being recognized more and more.

Top quality coconut flour is made from organic coconut meat that is dried, defatted, and then ground into a fine flour. Having four times the fiber of most other flours, it is a great source of protein while also being LOW in digestible carbohydrates.

As it contains NO GLUTEN, it is a veritable “answer to prayer” for celiacs and others wanting to avoid gluten products. (more…)

BEYOND RICE CAKES: A Young Person’s Guide to Cooking, Eating & Living Gluten-Free

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

Perhaps you have just discovered that you are gluten intolerant and for the first time ever you’ve started reading labels in the supermarket looking for something that fits your new dietary regime.

Did you panic just a little as you went through pack after pack of all those foods that were so familiar and now you cannot eat at all ? Did you experience a curious mix of emotions as you finally walked out of that store with nothing but a bag full of rice cakes? If you did, you’re not the first one to do that, believe me !

 Fortunately, finding “ready made” gluten free foods these days is getting easier and easier. But what if you don’t want to eat highly processed foods all the time? What if these aren’t easily available to you or don’t fit your budget? The answer lies in getting back into the kitchen yourself. With a little guidance, step by step you’ll soon start unlocking a treasure of wonderful tasty snacks, treats and meals. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll adjust to a new way of doing things. So R-E-L-A-X. Things are just going to get better and better because you’re about to put yourself in the driver’s seat.

The aim of this site is to lead you through the basics of Gluten Free Cooking and to stimulate a whole new way of thinking about and preparing your food. In addition to our own insights, tips, videos and recipes we’ll also be introducing other multimedia sources of information and inspiration to cater to a wide variety of tastes, desires and circumstances.

I must reveal the fact that our own personal orientation is towards more natural, wholesome foods, free of chemicals and refined sugars. But not everyone has this as high a priority as we do, so we will relax a little in this department and offer more wholesome alternatives as and where it may be helpful and appreciated.

We hope that the following CNN news clip will provide a good starting point to our journey together. Just click on the “Start” arrow to load up.

After spying Vanessa’s book on this news byte, our interest was perked with her fresh, young, enthusiastic energy. If you explore further, you’ll see at the site she has some very encouraging reviews posted about her book. (more…)

Gluten Free Cooking Tips Site Launches!!

Sunday, March 11th, 2007

Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by our brand new site. As you can see we are still in the early stages of getting things together. But we are making progress !!

We’ve got a lot of ideas that we’d like to put into action so you can gain some great value from your visits here. In the mean time, though, it would really help us a lot if you would let us know how we can best serve you. (more…)

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