Archive for the 'gluten free cooking recipes' Category

RECIPE Jamaikem Choc-Mints, Gluten & Dairy Free

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Some Possible Shapes For Jamaikem Choc-MintsHere’s something you can have a bit of fun with ! An absolutely wonderful, healthy chocolate treat that is gluten free, dairy free and free of refined sugars.

We developed a number of variations of the theme, but here’s one recipe we’d like to share with you that we took to a function recently. This recipe, (and other variations of it), are so quick and easy you’ll always want to have the ingredients on hand.

You’ll need – Ingredients (below) + plastic ice-block tray + aluminum foil (optional).

Ingredients: (Metric Measurements)   (Refer to Ingredients Article for conversions – LINK Here or CLICK HERE for Wt. and Temp. Conversion Page )

2 Tbls Organic Coconut Oil
2 Tbls Organic Cocoa Powder
1 Tbls Carob Powder
1/2 Tbls Maple Syrup
1 pinch Stevia Powder (to taste)
2-4 drops Peppermint Essence (to taste) (makes 6 – 8 pieces) (more…)

COOKING BASICS How To Cook Rice (Part 1)

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

If you’re already familiar with these basics please bear with us as we start to build the solid foundation needed for the budding new gluten-free cooks out there. Also, if you have some constructive input please feel free to post your contribution at the end of this article.

Rice (Oryza Sativa)

Background: Rice is the more obvious and most popular choice of gluten free grains to work with. Like most of the other grains, books can be written (and have been) on this one subject alone.

There are over 100,000 rice cultivars currently registered, each with distinct characteristics. This offers an enormous variety of flavors, textures, aromas and colors. If you live in the west, then those most familiar to you would most likely include varieties that range from the wild rice, black rice through red rice, brown rice and basmati, through to the more processed common white rice we all know so well.

The Possibilities Are Endless: No matter where you live, it is likely that you will have several (or many) of these varieties available in your local area. Combine each of these with the many different ways of cooking, preparing and serving the grain, then, right there, you have a rich resource of tasty possibilities at your fingertips. Your only limit is your imagination and creativity. (more…)

How To Convert Recipe Measurements:

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Through interactions with cooking class participants it soon became obvious that not everyone was aware of the subtleties of cooking measurement throughout the world. This includes both Measurement Standards as well as the actual method of measurement.

In the United States, for example, both dry and liquid ingredients tend to be measured by volume, whereas in Europe, dry ingredients tend to be measured by weight and only the liquids by volume.

Also there are differing measurement standards depending on the counry eg. Imperial, US Standard and Metric. (more…)

ORGANIC COCONUT FLOUR A Blessing For Gluten Free Cooking

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Ever since being exposed to the work of Bruce Fife, N.D. over a year ago, on the health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil and Coconut Meat, we’ve paid more and more attention to this remarkable food.

Now, with the emergence of Organic Coconut Flour into the market place, a whole new world is opening up for those with gluten intolerance and those wanting to eat healthier or shed those extra pounds.

YES ! Cooking with coconut oil and coconut flour helps to manage your weight too !!

The humble coconut has been much maligned over the years (particularly in Western countries), but finally its true value is being recognized more and more.

Top quality coconut flour is made from organic coconut meat that is dried, defatted, and then ground into a fine flour. Having four times the fiber of most other flours, it is a great source of protein while also being LOW in digestible carbohydrates.

As it contains NO GLUTEN, it is a veritable “answer to prayer” for celiacs and others wanting to avoid gluten products. (more…)

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