Archive for July, 2007

The Place of Oats In a Gluten Free Diet – Part 1

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007

Up until recently the oat grain has been excluded from the clinical gluten free diet mainly because of its amino acid sequence and reports from some patients of problems when incorporating oats on their gluten free program.

Maturing Oat Grain (Avena-sativa)The other potential problem is that because the oat grain’s size, shape and general appearance is so similar to that of wheat, barley and rye, the chances of cross contamination during harvesting, transportation, milling or processing is a factor not to be dismissed lightly. (more…)

Debut Video On Gluten Free Designer Leftovers

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

Well, the day has finally arrived where we have successfully negotiated the technical maze and completed our first video for the web. Needless to say it has been quite a learning experience.

Now that we have the basic tools to create educational videos like the one here, the door is open for unlimited possibilities. We are so excited about tapping into our “thirty something” years of whole foods cooking experience and building a practical and helpful range of ”How to” cooking video modules. (more…)

Gluten Free Video Demos On Their Way

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

I know it’s been ages since our last post but rest assured that we have been busy behind the scenes. No slacking off in this department. No, no !!

We have been so looking forward to including our own video presentations. We are now a major step closer. In fact, our first little presentation is entering the latter stages of editing. So, unless something major happens in the next short while, we expect to be in a position to post it in the next day or two.

Gluten Free Rice Leftovers - VideoWe will be doing a video demo of our earlier post on Gluten Free Designer Leftovers. Now, please, please …….. I hope we don’’t hear anyone coming up with a smart remark like  ……  “Oh no!!  Not leftovers again !!” 

We know it’’s all very basic stuff too, but you know, it’’s the simple things like this that can make a huge difference when you’re just stuck for ideas, short on ingredients and/or you need to come up with something tasty in a hurry. Those of you who are eating gluten free by necessity, will especially appreciate that fact, I’’m sure. (more…)

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