Archive for the 'dining out' Category

Gluten Free Tips For Eating Out – Part 2

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Quill_penPlanning to venture out into the big, wide world of restaurants and eateries?

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this series, effectively communicating your gluten free requirements is key. This post outlines THREE ways you can equip yourself with powerful tools to do just that.

Have you ever had the experience of forgetting a crucial piece of information during an important phone call, only to realize the omission when it was too late?

This is definitely NOT something you want to do when communicating your dietary needs and restrictions to those who will be preparing your food. You do not want to leave anything to chance.

The best option is to have everything
written down before hand.

This applies both in preparation for your first phone call (See Part 1) and/or when you sit down for the first time in the restaurant. Detail your condition and list ALL the ingredients that you absolutely MUST avoid. (more…)

Gluten Free Tips For Eating Out – Part 1

Monday, March 31st, 2008


Do you ever feel nervous about eating out because of your gluten free restrictions?

Dining out can feel like playing
Russian Roulette at times,
unless you go about things
the right way.

Fortunately there are steps you can take to greatly minimize any risk.

You have to be diligent, though, in following the steps that lay the foundation for a trouble free dining experience

Effective Communication is the Key

It all comes down to effective communication and building a trusting relationship between yourself and the owner/manager of the restaurant or eating establishment.

Having been a store owner, as well as one who has prepared gluten free foods for the public, I can highlight a few points from that perspective that will greatly increase your chances of success in the shortest possible time. (more…)

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